
Screenprint of the word "Insane" in black text on a white background.

The word Simmons has chosen for this screenprint demands attention, forcing us to confront the notion of insanity in all its provocative glory. We all rely on something to numb ourselves during difficult times. We think we can outrun angst if we just stay β€œinsanely busy.” After all, burnout (in our current culture) isn’t what happens to you when you have nothing…it’s what happens to you when you have everything. This makes it an American problem - a badge of achievement and success.

Ironically, while burnout manifests itself often as depression + exhaustion, it comes from a society that suffers from excessive positivity.

A world in which nothing is impossible. A world that requires people to strive to the outcome of self-destruction - to the point where it is glamorized and applauded in the realm of celebrity and public figures. With β€œInsane,” we are meant to pause, ponder, and question the very concept of sanity. Are any of us truly β€œsane”…or does the cult of productivity we live in present more of a challenge than an opportunity? Your call.

Artist Kristin Simmons woman holding a print of the word "Insane" written in black.
Black framed poster of the word "Insane" hanging above a kitchen table.

DIMENSIONS: 24(h) x 36(w)
Original Hand-Pulled Silkscreen; Edition of 10, Signed and Numbered

Black and white screenprint reading "Insane" hanging on a gray wall.