Pay Me Like a White Man
Hunting down high-paying clients is no harder than chasing down cheapskates. Here’s how to spot the difference.
The Clientele Triad
If you've ever run a business or had a job, you've met the spectrum of clients. They come in three delightful flavors:
Cheapos – Always hunting for bargains like it's a sport.
Normies – Average Joes, nothing to write home about.
High-Paying Unicorns – The mythical clients who make it rain.
As a small female business owner, I obviously want to talk about bagging the unicorns and how to spot the cheapos so you can live the good life and avoid mistakes I made.
Time is Money, Honey
High-paying clients know that time is their most precious resource. They’re not here for DIY disasters. They’ll happily pay for expertise to get results better AND faster. Cheapos? They think time is an endless freebie, like refills at an all-inclusive cruise buffet. High-paying clients crave direct, personal access. They’ll shell out extra for 1-on-1 service. Cheapos? They want you to be their free mentor, thinking your time is worth squat.
Discounts? Freebies? Hard Pass
Want to repel bargain hunters? Easy: no discounts, no specials, no freebies. High-paying clients know quality has a price tag. Cheapos live for the thrill of the deal, even if it means devaluing your work. Free stuff? It’s like giving away dental floss – nobody values it. Charge a fee, and suddenly people are all ears. High-paying clients are always curious about how they can invest in themselves.
Spend Money to Make Money…Duh
High-paying clients see spending as an investment. They know you gotta spend to grow. Cheapos, though, clutch their wallets like you’re trying to rob them. They're penny-wise, dollar-dumb, and see scams everywhere. High-paying clients? They know every good thing (especially a CREATIVE thing) comes with a bit of risk. They’ve done their homework and are ready to leap.
Effort vs. Excuses
Cheap clients can’t think for themselves, they need you to hold their hand into everything - they treat you like their employee. High paying clients appreciate they will need to make decisions and take some of the action; they’re willing to do the work because they’re serious. When they need to email something or sign a contract, they just do it without messing around and complaining.
Final Thought
Hunting down high-paying clients is no harder than chasing down cheapskates. So aim high. Focus on clients who value your work and are willing to pay for it. Elevate your game, attract the best, and watch your business soar so you can live the good life with a cigar in your mouth (or whatever you’re into) as a opposed to a crick in your neck.