Side Affects: NOVOCAIN

"- Novocain prescription box with Disney’s cartoon character Belle and the caption “Bittersweet and strange” painted on a canvas. - Disney’s cartoon character Belle painted on a Novocain prescription box with the caption “Bittersweet and strange.” "

DIMENSIONS: 13(h) x 37(w)
Acrylic and Diamond Dust on Canvas

Belle, a character known for her curiosity and determination to find more than her "provincial life", now grapples with the intricacies of everyday headaches – both metaphorically and literally. Simmons’ “Side Affects: Novocain,” posits that perhaps these characters would face their own set of challenges in today's world. Painkillers symbolize a remedy, but also underscore the idea that even in a magical world, there are no easy solutions to life's problems - a tale as old as time with a modern twist.