Side Affects: JUVEDERM

Artwork of pill box with QR code, 'JUVEDERM' text, '128 MG', a phrase listing personal needs, and a hand-painted figure resembling Snow White.

DIMENSIONS: 13(h) x 37(w)
Acrylic and Diamond Dust on Canvas

Ah, here we are again, dancing on the fine line between fairytale dreams and those oh-so-modern woes of needing the perfect eyebrows. Simmons’ “Side Affects: Juvederm” artwork delves into the complexities of modern desires and the societal pressures that come with the age of consumerism. This piece wonderfully reminds us that while Snow White may have needed a prince, today's damsel in distress needs $10,000 and a spa day. It’s a fairytale fit for the 21st century, reminding us that even princesses have to keep up with the trends.