Safe and Effective Medication

Tumbling out of a run-of-the-mill pharmacy bag, aren’t pills, but diamonds. Ironic? Yes. Plays with our expectations? Yes. But Simmons’ work also makes us question what we often take for granted. The jolt is playful, but sinister. Are the diamonds meant to be drugs, or are the drugs the diamonds themselves as precious as the diamonds? Do we see consumer products as a cure or, at least, a treatment? Or are the drugs the real treasure here? In each work, the three-dimensional paper bag grounds us in a quotidian errand, however, the diamonds are not three-dimensional, they are paper thin and totally flat. The cut-outs, juxtaposed against the bag, are not ‘real’ at all.

In this series, we are confronted with conflicting realities: are we the purchaser, or the patient? 

The De Beers family notoriously and ingeniously have manipulated the diamond market, hoarding and releasing to keep supplies low and prices high. In much the same way, Big Pharma have monopolized their patents, treatments, and cures. The conflation of these two apparently conflicting objects in Simmons’ work is deliberate, forcing us to question the value of a venerated consumer good, like a diamond, as well as the market for medication; both are controlled substances with high barriers to entry. But, faced with the sheer number of jewels - whether you see diamonds or drugs - we are confronted with the blunt reality that having a lot of something may feel powerful, but ultimately devalues the item itself.

DIMENSIONS: 31(h) x 25(w)
Hand-made Collage on Italian Pressed Paper with Mirror Frame; One of a Kind


- 3D pharmacy bag with 2D diamonds pouring out onto a black background with a mirrored frame. - Silver and blue paper diamonds spilling out of a 3D pharmacy bag on a black background surrounded by mirror.
Closeup of an upside down 3D pharmacy bag spilling large silver and gold papercut diamonds onto a black background.
- Closeup of white and blue pharmacy bag with silver and blue 2D paper diamonds jewels pouring out onto a black background. - Colorful 2D paper cut jewels spilling out of a 3D RX medication bag on a black canvas.
Hand-cut paper diamonds from magazines falling out of a white perscription bag onto a black background.

“The diamond cut-outs, juxtaposed against the bag, are not ‘real’ at all. In each piece, we are confronted with conflicting realities: are we the purchaser, or the patient?” 

— Gabriella Coffey

DIMENSIONS: 31(h) x 25(w)
Hand-made Collage on Italian Pressed Paper with Mirror Frame; One of a Kind


Angled view of 3D pharmacy bag with blue and silver paper jewels pouring out onto a pink background in a mirrored frame.
Close up of paper jewels coming out of a pharmacy bag on a bright background by artist Kristin Simmons.
Angled view of 3D pharmacy bag with colorful jewels pouring out onto a pink canvas.
- 3D pharmacy bag with hand-collaged silver and blue papercut diamonds pouring out onto a fuschia background. -Big, sparkling diamonds spilling out of a 3D pharmacy bag on a fuschia background.

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