Double Bag It

Pop art screenprint of 3 Utz girl logos with a yellow background in a black frame on a wall above an orange couch.

We all rely on something to feel that surge of dopamine or numb ourselves during difficult times. Diving deep into an American culture founded on epidemics – pharmaceuticals, consumerism, psychological manipulation, contaminated childhoods – candy and packaged snack food is a canonical American symbol of consumption. The iconic UTZ girl (an American snack food icon) is the ultimate symbol of infinite consumption; her hand always in the bag, alluding to appetites that can never be satiated. The fact that the UTZ mascot is a child begs the question: who is the advertisement really targeting? Whatever one’s opinions on capitalism or the current obesity and prescription drug epidemics are, these topics are polemic and provocative.

Closeup artwork of Utz girl reaching into an RX pharmacy bag with yellow background.

DIMENSIONS: 22(h) x 30(w)
Original Hand-Pulled Silkscreen; Edition of 20, Signed and Numbered

Graphic artwork of blue and red Cartoon Utz girl reaching into a pharmacy bag with an ombre yellow background.

In “Double Bag It”, Simmons whimsically questions our culture of consumption across multiple “pre-packaged” goods with humor and urgency.